Thursday, June 15, 2006

Progress At Last!
June 15, 2006
Its been a while since I've posted and a lot has happened since then. G has been keeping you up to date with most of the details. As you probably know, we've be waiting on one form from the CIS in the ATL. We got word today from our case worker that she had talked to one of the CIS agents assigned to our case and that our form should be released in a day or two. I was struck dumb. I don't know where the feeling came from, but I got this overwhelming feeling of release and relief about the whole thing - a few tears. I have tried desparetly to contact CIS this week to get a status report or something. I've had absolutely no success. I tried the web - needed a number that they didn't send to me. Tried to call - after a 20 minute wait (thankful for speaker phone) dude was really no help at all and gave me a fax number to send letters to. Tried the fax - couldn't get an answer all day yesterday - I think the number was bogus. So I decided on the way home that I'd call our case worker. Little did I know that as that thought was being birthed in my mind, she was calling home to give the the hope that we needed. Wow! God's timing is so awesome!
You know we can't really communicate with our child about these things for a number of reasons. We just have to trust that she is waiting patiently for us. It is heartbreaking. We received a photo this week of her with her grandmother. She looks so attached to her. I know it is going to be tough to leave her. Pray that we know how to handle that situation when it occurs.
I feel much better knowing that all of our paperwork will be in UA by next week. I should be ashamed at how forgetful I can be of God's goodness. His timing is perfect.
I want to take a sec and say thanks to all of you who have given to our cause and all of you who have committed to make this whole thing a priority in your prayer life. Every prayer is appreciated and every gift has made an impact no matter the amount. I want the two of you that made the huge sacrifice to finish the funding to know how grateful we are for you. My heart is humbled by your generosity. We can't thank you enough. I want you to know that your gifts will change the life of that girl forever. Your gifts have changed our life forever. We may never meet you all. I wish that I had the word-smithing ability of C Nichols to express in 10 pt. Times New Roman the way we feel.
So we continue to wait. Based on information we received yesterday from the Embassy, the new adoption authority will open in July. We're going to be cutting it close to get finished before school starts back, but that is our plan. So pray hard!


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