Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Another Day

December 5, 2007

Today we got up a little earlier. We've had breakfast and ventured to a new market to expand our food inventory. KB and G are having school today. The sun has appeared and I was beginning to wonder if it ever would. It is a beautiful day here in Zap and we are getting more comfortable by the day. One thing that is a little different than we expected is that our girl is growing so much! She is taller than G and I'm afraid might end up taller than me - although that would not be a big feat. She is a beautiful young lady and seems to be fitting well. Continue to pray that this transition will go smoothly and that we can get a court date soon. There are many things going on each day that help us to move along.

And now I would like to take a moment and brag on my eldest son! I understand that he scored 17 last night against a rival team, including a clutch 3. We are so proud of you son and can't wait to see you!

It seems that the lessons I am learning so far are centered around the character of humility. I've been reading The Practice of the Presence of God about an old guy named Brother Lawrence. He was a cook at a monastery in Europe several hundred years ago. His worship and intimacy with God stemmed from his everyday chores including cooking and cleaning. A simple life but also profound. The simplicity of this time and our days makes this an appropriate read.

We love you all and appreciate your prayers and comments.



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