Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Everybody wants to go to Heaven.

January 1, 2008

Today (Really yesterday b/c I'm writing early in the morning) we called the hail Mary play on our Embassy visit. Unfortunately, the ball got batted around in the end zone and eventually fell to the ground. This is a disappointing snag, but we will manage. This means that nobody is coming home today. I spent a very frustrating 2 hours on the phone with Delta negotiating a return date. Looks like Sunday is our date. Bad news is that it looks like we'll be returning pretty late that evening. We'll look into bumping up the ATL/BHM run, but I'm not very optimistic. Overall, I can't (and won't) complain about how things have gone. We are so close to getting home, I can almost taste it.

We are dealing with some pretty major grieving at the moment, so I'd ask that you guys please continue to pray that a vision for the future will be cast and clung to. We all know the statistics, but that cannot be explained to an emotional teenage girl. We were expecting this. I know that we will be fine. I was reading Mark and Jenn Smith's blog, and ran across an article that she had posted about the "Brotherhood of Sons." In this article the author was giving a description of his family's adoption of two young boys from Russia and how some people were unintentionally offensive with some of their questions. So in the article he describes details of leaving the orphanage. He said the boys would shake in their arms from the fear of the unfamiliar. Things as simple as a car ride.

Now their orphanage was in dire condition. They were much younger than our girl and were left in their cribs most of the day to lie in their own waste. It sounded like a horrible life. The orphanage that our girl came from was relatively nice - no Ritz Carlton, but they did have a lot of media outlets such as TV, DVD's, MP3 players, computers, and each other. Not all bad, just unlike life is now. So back to the story - these two boys from Russia they were reaching back to the orphanage because it was familiar. It was all that they knew about life. The same is true with our girl. She is bored out her mind and very timid about trying anything knew. This is a trust issue that will take time and experience to overcome. She does not like Kyiv because it is so unfamiliar to her. She is scared. At this point the easy thing for her to do would be to go back "home" - that is the only home she has known for six years. She cannot even begin to imagine what life will be like in the US.

So here is a good lesson and some good imagery to take advantage of. Crowder sings a cover version of this old song called "Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven (But Nobody Wants to Die)." You may know it. As the Apostle John was writing his book of Revelation he was there. He was actually in Heaven (maybe only in spirit) observing the incredible things that Heaven is. Now today I read Revelation (rarely) and I just have to scratch my head at the descriptions and metaphors that he used. It looked like...... gates of pearl, streets of gold, ten horns here or there, tribes and elders.... you are familiar with all of this.

Now don't take this analogy too far. Our home is not going to be Heaven. Our kids don't surround us and worship us 24/7, we don't live in a mansion, and I don't emit light from the goodness of my being so if we don't pay the power bill, we sit in the dark. But this analogy is fitting. Death is a scary thing for most of us. We, as humans, are trying everything possible to live. We Americans spend billions every year on drugs and healthcare, trying to squeeze every minute possible out of this life. Why? To delay this home-going for as long as possible. We like it here. It is familiar and comfortable here for the most part. But we all want to go to Heaven, right?

Side note: The treasure of Heaven isn't found in all that "stuff" - gates, and gold and glam. It is simply to "be" in the presence of God, Himself. Would we all be disappointed if it turns out not to look like the set of a TBN program? What if it looks like a mud hut in the middle of Uganda? To be with Him, is that the root of our desire? End side note.

So this is where we find ourselves - somewhere between life as we know it and the promise of a better life which lies before us. Death is an unfamiliar thing that is necessary in order for us to enter into that promised land. We have been "reborn." We have new passports (and a permanent visa) with our new names written in them. God came to our land and went to court (and paid the ultimate expediting fee) and rescued us from a life of hopelessness in order that we might be called "sons and daughters."

Likewise, our new daughter is grieving the death of her former life and waiting for the promise of a better life ahead. Our challenge is to continue to encourage and guide her into this new life - to help her to look forward with hope and to find a place for us all to put our collective past. This is no easy task and we knew that going into it. It is really amazing to see how these children react to the new environment and the families which want so desperately to love them. So please continue to pray with us that this transition will be smooth. We know and appreciate the prayers and support that you have offered thus far.

The Graces


At Wednesday, January 02, 2008 8:14:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello family! So glad to talk with you yesterday! Gramma J and I have been talking, trying to prepare for a smooth homecoming but we are totally confused as to when that will take place. (Please forgive if you also are still not sure). We are just so anxious to see everyone back home. Gramma J was thinking Sat. our time, I was thinking Sun. our time????? E-mail us details asap. We are sad we will be missing DC's birthday, that will make 3 celebrations we have not been present for...bummer. Sorry things are rough right now, but try not to fret. Got this verse for ya..."If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." -James 1:5.
So I am praying for wisdom, strength, hope, and God's perfect timing. Oh' and this ones for GG who is desperate to see the sunshine... "You are the light of the world" -Matthew 5:13. So go out there and keep on shinning bright sister! You all are, with the help and guidance of God, spreading the light among the darkness. We love & miss you. -theHands

At Wednesday, January 02, 2008 10:51:00 AM , Blogger The Necker Family said...

Dear Graces,
I have been following your blog for a few months now. Just reading hope you don't mind:-) We are from SC and returning on the 12th to pickup our 2 children from Dnipropetrovsk. Thank you for your honest portrayl and relating it to scripture. I just saw a movie "The Italian" A Russian film about an Italian couple adopting a young Russian boy. I will not spoil the story for you but it deals with you post today. I will pray for your entire family and your safe return to US along with all the adjustments.
Kelly N.

At Wednesday, January 02, 2008 10:51:00 AM , Blogger Bobby and Kim Kemp said...

I love reading your blog, from this side of the world, of course. I feel your pain and your tears since I was there just 2 weeks ago. Can you believe we have only been home 2 weeks ago??? I read your blog and I am there, the sights and smells seem so real!!! I think the boredom does get better once you are home, because it is "home" to the kids and they finally begin to experience a feeling of belonging. In the midst of your waiting,remember Philippians 4:8- "Whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable...dwell on these things." It does help!!
We love you all and look forward to your arriving HOME!!!

At Wednesday, January 02, 2008 6:41:00 PM , Blogger Jana said...

Chris and Gina,
I know you hoped you would be home sooner. I am thankful to have learned so much from your trip this far. I can't wait to see you and spend time with you when you get home. Hang it there.

At Wednesday, January 02, 2008 10:23:00 PM , Blogger Smith Family ~ "Party of Six" said...

With much humilitly we submit that we will keep praying. We were talking last night about our lives, about the kids, and what some of them are going through that we know of... we come back to the idea from a Sara Groves song. Painting Pictures of Egypt.In our lives we have painted our share of canvases... peace to you and especially to Dasha:
I don’t want to leave here
I don’t want to stay
It feels like pinching to me either way
The places I long for the most
Are the places where I’ve been
They are calling after me like a long lost friend

It’s not about losing faith
It’s not about trust
It’s all about comfortable
When you move so much
The place I was wasn’t perfect
But I had found a way to live
It wasn’t milk or honey
But then neither is this

I’ve been painting pictures of Egypt
Leaving out what it lacked
The future seems so hard
And I want to go back
But the places that used to fit me
Cannot hold the things I"ve learned
And those roads closed off to me
While my back was turned

The past is so tangible
I know it by heart
Familiar things are never easy to discard
I was dying for some freedom
But now I hesitate to go
Caught between the promise
And the things I know

If it comes too quick
I may not recognize it
Is that the reason behind all this time and sand?
If it comes too quick
I may not appreciate it
Is that the reason behind all this time and sand?

At Wednesday, January 02, 2008 10:29:00 PM , Blogger Hall family said...

Graces, thank you for being so up front, raw and exposed...we can all help each other in these hard as it gets, its so worth it..the steps, the bruises, the bumps, the triumphs...God is smiling and pleased at His children when we take in His own...not easy, but who wants it easy? We will have that in heaven! Love, Valerie

At Wednesday, January 02, 2008 10:39:00 PM , Blogger Brockfamily said...

Hey Chris and Gina - we love you and we are praying!! Katelyn and Kyndal got so excited yesterday they made welcome home signs for Dasha Claire and Chris. It won't be long sweet friends until we are all sitting around the lunch table at Zapatas laughing and sharing stories about your journey - I think we may need two tables now :)! We will save you a seat!! Much love from the Brocks!!

At Thursday, January 03, 2008 6:57:00 PM , Blogger Kimbell and Mark said...

Wow - I can so relate. We brought our 10 year old daughter home 2 years ago. You are so right to recognize the fact that even though her new home with you will be "better" she is still going to grieve the sights, smells, sounds and especially the people she's leaving behind. Praying for a smooth transition and that she will be able to communicate her feelings of loss to you.


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